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Art Basel Miami , What to Wear as a social Introvert

Do you actually not like people but have to be around them to survive and flourish? Welcome to 2019! I feel like everyone feels the same way but let me know if I’m wrong. A lot of people would love to network at the social events and be that “social butterfly” but most of us are not that talkative or a little introverted. What ends up happening is you talk to the same person you came to the event with the whole time.

Here’s tip #1. GO ALONE.

You are more likely to scope out the room and make conversations with people if you don’t have a safety net. I know it’s not what you want to hear but I swear it works. I’ve gone to plenty of these networking events or just events I thought would have the type of people I wanted to build relationships with by myself and it was scary at first but extremely rewarding in the end. Now here’s the real tip because I know most of you are not going listen to that first tip so here’s 1.0

MOST IMPORTANT TIP 1.0 . Wear Your Conversation!

Now this is the real winner, I can’t tell you how many times people have started conversations with me from asking me where I got my outfit or just wanted to know more about me from it. I’m always wearing Monica Monique of course but even when I’m not, my outfit always has an element of surprise. Whether it’s a lemon shaped purse to match my outfit and heels or a balloon on my shoulder ( see picture below) I always come with something that stands out so people want to talk to me. It doesn’t have to be that bold either, maybe you’re wearing a Winnie the Pooh tee with a pencil skirt or have on a belt that says caution, make your look a conversation piece.


Quick Story

This year I went to this major art event called Art Basel in Miami, Florida. As a lover of art I had recently heard about this Banksy Artwork(girl with red balloon) that sold for 1.4 million dollars at an auction. Once the painting sold, someone (probably banksy who is unknown) clicked a button and the painting started shredding itself. It stopped about a quarter of the way shredding but it was such a major moment in the art world that has literally never happened before. Anyway going to an event with art lovers, as a designer I wanted to make a piece to reflect that moment. So I made the dress below and when I tell you that so many people stopped me to talk, it was crazy. People from all over the world, Japan, Italy, Korea and people from other States in America wanted to take pictures with me, wanted my card and wanted to be my friend. It was such a great experience and taught me on a whole other level what a conversation starter and introduction an out fit can be.


(p.s. the dress/tee shirt is in my shop page as well and some of my other looks for the trip)