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MM Shirts

Celebrate Life t-shirt


Regular price $200.00
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Celebrate Life t-shirt
Celebrate Life t-shirt

Celebrate life while you're still here 

This T-shirt represents how quickly life passes us by.

We often forget that we have to make time to celebrate life while we are here. We cannot take work too seriously or life too seriously to the point where we don't take time to enjoy life.

We have to make time to celebrate and be present in the moment.

When someone is gone all of those moments we could have had are also gone so make your moments while you are here especially with the ones you love.

These white balloons can represent so much like a dove release or an Angel or just the presence of peace.

I hope this shirt lifts you up in a way where you feel closer to the clouds or even possibly to them. 

THIS SHIRT COMES WITH WHITE STRINGS SEWN ONTO THE SHOULDER SEAMS SO YOU CANT CONNECT IT TO THE BALLOONS WHEN YOU BLOW THEM UP. This shirt comes with a pack of balloons, the balloons need to be blown up with helium to lift up off the shirt. You will not get this look if you blow them up by mouth.

 This shirt as well as the "mourning" and "I'm fine" shirt are great to wear both with or without the balloons. This shirt gets a lot of love even without the balloons. The banksy inspired shirts are best worn with the balloons

This is a limited edition collection, each shirt is numbered and signed by the Designer

This Collection will only be available 12/7-12/17/23 10 DAYS ONLY 


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